• 2024/11/13

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    全車種 路上検定中止

  • 2024/11/01

    テレビCM放映記念!第2弾スマドラキャンペーン実施中 ⇒ [ キャンペーン詳細 ]

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#01岡山駅から 一番 近い教習所!



岡山西警察署北側(岡山市北区野殿東町8-17)大安寺駅(南口)から 徒歩7分!送迎バスは、4方面を運行予定(県立大学、倉敷、藤田、高島方面)!
北長瀬キャンパス公式サイトはこちら ⇒ [ 詳細 ]








一昨年からは、IPU環太平洋大学の在学生へ 無料の送迎バス を運行しています。IPU環太平洋大学への支援実績をもとに、県外の大学や専門学校、高等学校も含めた支援を実施していく予定です。


24時間録画配信方式 によるオンライン学科教習を行っております。録画配信方式なので「24時間」「いつでも」「自分の都合に合わせて」受講することができるため、コロナ禍で出来る限り感染リスクの軽減を図るとともに、三密(密集、密接、密閉)を避けることが可能です!オンラインに不慣れな方もしっかりご説明いたします。

Google クチコミ

3.0 クチコミ クチコミ クチコミ (230 件のクチコミ) すべての Google のクチコミを見る

Marina Tsudo G. Marcalo
It's really cool. It's the first time I've enjoyed driving school lessons. People are nice. Of course, at first staff is a bit anxious that you are a foreigner and just repeat over (and over) that it takes a lot of money to be there. Well ... I know that and, of course, if I wasn't conscious or had a minimal Japanese language skill, I wouldn't have applied to a Japanese driving school. That's the only little thing I didn't like at the beginning. I know the risks, the consequences, I know I have to study but just because I'm a foreigner, don't think about underestimating my abilities. That's just it! Word of advice for future foreign students, having a minimum of spoken, written skills and is a life saver. None of the staff is fluent (as far as I can tell) except for Mr. Kawano, how knows a minimum of English language. I seriously recommend that foreign students buy both Japanese and English books. Thank God, the japanese version has furigana. Otherwise, learn N4 Japanese language skills first. Also, apply with a friend or a relative by your side because you must understand the paperwork, rules and "how - to" process of booking/canceling, number of classes, "do's/ don't", different school plans etc. I suggest the 安心(anshin) plan. It allows you to retake the exam once at least without paying extra and do-over the driving "karimen" test over and over. It's like a "flex plan". A bit more expensive but worth it. F.Y.I The Driving part of the karimen test is given in japanese language ONLY. So study a minimum of vocabulary: traffic lights, signs, winker lights, right/left, crossroads etc to pass. Good points : You have a 15000¥ fee reimbursement for train expenses if you buy a pass. The school also has a Microbus. They have apartments for those on intensive courses. It's super clean and it seems organized. You can take the test in your mother tongue and the textbook can be in English. You free drinks and access to a mini cafeteria too (not free, obviously 😂) On the other hand: All classes are in japanese. The staff is a bit nervous and anxious dealing with foreigners. It's very strict in terms of schedule. On that note: Some teachers can be a bit rude but, you can ask to have specific teacher's removed and ask to get the availability of the one's you feel comfortable with. Some teachers are old fashioned, not so patient, no consideration for your language difficulties so ... Some are tough nuts to crack but others are absolute Angels. But that's it (so far!) Overall: After the first lesson, I can honestly say I had fun and it may be hard but it's gonna be a good experience for me. And the staff Kawanoさん , he is so nice and thoughtful. I really appreciate his nice attitude and it makes me feel 安心 to know that he is there. There are equally other kind staff members. Kobayashiさん and the other female staffs are very sensible to your troubles, so you'll be ok with them too. 小林さん、川野さん、スタッフの皆んなさんお世話になっております これから宜しくお願い致します。 なかのさんのこと感謝します. Keep up the good work Mr. Kawano and Mrs. Kobayashi
marina tsudo g. marcalo様 この度は誠に有難うございました!
Haaachan Iam
教習所あるあるかもしれませんが、親切でない嫌な先生も勿論おられます。 でも基本的に優しい先生ばかりだし、 クロサワさんと言う事務員?の方は特にとても親切で本当に良くしていただきました。 私にとってはアクセスもよく、大変通いやすい教習所でした。
入校前にここの口コミを見てビビってましたが、卒業まで困ることや嫌な思いをすることは何もありませんでした。 ここで悪く書かれている先生がずっと担当でしたが、細かく指導してもらったおかげで卒検は余裕をもって挑めました。 叱られることもありましたがこちらの勉強不足が原因だったので、他の方の口コミを読んでいて、言われたことに対して受け取り方を工夫すれば嫌な思いをしないで済んだ場面もあったのでは…と思いました。 悪く書かれているのがなんだか悔しかったので、普段は口コミ書きませんが今回投稿しました! 受付の方の「頑張ってください」が毎回励みになってました。